

638 Uppsatser om Emotion Regulation - Sida 1 av 43

Emotionsreglering och stämningsläge som faktorer för högt och lågt risktagande i beslutsprocessen

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the ways in which Emotion Regulation and mood affects risk taking when it comes to decision making competence. Emotion Regulation is an essential part of the attachment process, the development of an autonomous self and functional stress coping systems. Research indicates that there is a relation between a distorted Emotion Regulation and some psychological disorders like depression, PTSD, anxiety disorders and borderline (or instable emotional personality disorder). There is a definite need to analyze the relation between Emotion Regulation and decision making competence since it is relatively unexplored. A digital questionnaire was distributed amongst the participants.

Emotionsreglering och stämningsläge som faktorer för högt och lågt risktagande i beslutsprocessen

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the ways in which emotion regulation and mood affects risk taking when it comes to decision making competence. Emotion Regulation is an essential part of the attachment process, the development of an autonomous self and functional stress coping systems. Research indicates that there is a relation between a distorted emotion regulation and some psychological disorders like depression, PTSD, anxiety disorders and borderline (or instable emotional personality disorder). There is a definite need to analyze the relation between Emotion Regulation and decision making competence since it is relatively unexplored. A digital questionnaire was distributed amongst the participants.

Att skriva om händelse, tanke och känsla: en explorativ studie kring effekter av expressivt skrivande i skolmiljö på ungdomars emotionsreglering

As part of the project Self esteem and Life circumstances among teenagers (started by Johnsson, Lundh & Wångby at Lund University in 2006) results from pilot studies of expressive writing (intervention initially created by Pennebaker and Beall, 1986) among adolescents in six secondary school classes in Sweden were investigated. The study describes changes from pre-test to follow-up on adapted versions of Emotion Regulation Questionnaire and Emotional Tone Index. Different strategies for Emotion Regulation are focused: voluntary and involuntary engagement and voluntary disengagement (Connor-Smith, Compas, Wadsworth, Harding Thomsen & Saltzman, 2000). The study is explorative. Results show a tendency towards more frequent diary use at follow-up for participants in expressive writing.

Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale-ett instrument för att undersöka svårigheter med känsloreglering vid Borderline personlighetsstörning

Inom området psykologisk behandling har intresset för känsloreglering och svårigheter med känsloreglering som gemensam nämnare vid psykisk ohälsa allt mer ökat. Vid behandling enligt Dialektisk Beteendeterapi av Borderline personlighetsstörning har svårigheter med känsloreglering varit en central del, både att i behandling arbeta med för att uppnå ett större fungerande, och i förståelsen av svårigheter hos individer som har fått diagnosen. Vid utvärdering av behandling har dock instrument riktade specifikt mot känsloreglering och eventuella svårigheter saknats. Denna studie har undersökt om frågeformuläret Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS) kan användas för detta syfte. Resultatet visar en användarvänlighet av formuläret och signifikanta skillnader i svaren mellan en patientgrupp med diagnosen Borderline personlighetsstörning och en kontrollgrupp.

Emotionella upplevelser och emotionsreglering i samband med en nedskärningsprocess

The aim of this study was to investigate emotions and Emotion Regulation of a downsizing in an industrial company. The sample consisted of persons who had experienced a downsizing but have kept the employment, within a same position or being transferred to another one. Data consisted of two focus group interviews, analysed by an inductive thematic analysis. The results have indicated that emotional reactions changed over time as well the emotional regulation did during the different phases. The groups differed in emotional reaction related to the time of decision regarding the retention of employment.

Moralisk balansering i arbetet : En studie av familjeutredares emotionella lönearbete

Familjeutredare på akut- och utredningshem är en yrkesgrupp som arbetar med utredning av föräldrars omsorgsförmåga. I arbetet träffar familjeutredaren dagligen människor som befinner sig i svåra livsskeenden. Detta ställer krav på familjeutredarens förmåga att hantera emotioner. Studiens syfte var att bidra till en djupare förståelse för familjeutredares emotionella lönearbete, vilka emotionella krav som ställs och hur de hanterar det. Studien utgick från Grundad teori (GT) och datainsamling innefattade sju semistrukturerade intervjuer.

Emotionell kompetens : om möjligheter till utveckling och betydelse för ett effektivt ledarskap

Purpose of the study was to illustrate how emotional competence can be important for leadership and to explore the possibility of improving emotion perception ability after training. Participants in this study were 40 managers, divided into control and experimental group, within public administration. The participants implemented a data-based emotion perception test, which were done twice at every occasion, with intervention consisting of information or education between test- and retest. The result showed a clear improvement after intervention, in which no difference was found between control and experimental group, which has been discussed on the basis of the likelihood of a training effect occurred between test-retest. Conclusions about emotional competence or leadership ability could not be drawn from the results of the emotion perception test.

Ord och verbala uttrycks effekt på emotioner och minne

Studien har undersökt gradadverbs effekt för emotion och minneslagring vid läsning och lyssning. Undersökningen har vidare sökt svara på huruvida verbala emotionella uttryck har någon effekt för emotion och minneslagring. Deltagarna har lyssnat till- och läst berättelser och därefter skattat sin egen grad av emotionell beröring. Deltagarna har också svarat på detaljfrågor efter varje berättelse i syfte att studera och möjligen bekräfta sambandet mellan emotioner och minneslagring. Antal deltagare (N=50) var fördelat på 15 män i åldern 27-67 (M=43.5) och 35 kvinnor i åldern 17-57 (M=38.0).

Strategi för utvecklande av reglerbudata

This Master Thesis discusses the development of bids for regulation power with consideration of change of discharge. The study was initiated by Vattenfall PD and is a limited part of a substantial development project at the same division. The background of the project is the new demands from SvK, which among other things includes more detailed regulation bids. As from the 1st of November 2008, the regulation bids are supposed to be calculated regarding each specific regulation object, something that is defined by SvK. These new demands changes Vattenfall?s conditions and will increase the need for detailed knowledge about available regulation power and costs for regulation.In this study a strategy for regulation bids was developed.

Medarbetares skattning av chefers konflikthanteringsförmåga predicerar chefers självskattade emotionsreglering

Studien syftar till att underso?ka om de ansta?lldas skattning av chefers konflikthanteringsfo?rma?ga kan prediceras baserat pa? chefens emotionsigenka?nningsfo?rma?ga och sja?lvskattade emotionsreglering. Studien genomfo?rdes genom att 32 chefer utfo?rde ett datoriserat emotionsigenka?nningstest (Geneva Multimodal Emotion Portrayal Set) och en emotionsregleringsenka?t (Emotion Regulation Questionnaire). 181 medarbetare till cheferna svarade pa? en webbaserad enka?t ga?llande chefens konflikthanteringsfo?rma?ga (Conflict Resolution Questionnaire).

Ord och verbala uttrycks effekt på emotioner och minne

Studien har undersökt gradadverbs effekt för emotion och minneslagring vid läsning och lyssning. Undersökningen har vidare sökt svara på huruvida verbala emotionella uttryck har någon effekt för emotion och minneslagring. Deltagarna har lyssnat till- och läst berättelser och därefter skattat sin egen grad av emotionell beröring. Deltagarna har också svarat på detaljfrågor efter varje berättelse i syfte att studera och möjligen bekräfta sambandet mellan emotioner och minneslagring. Antal deltagare (N=50) var fördelat på 15 män i åldern 27-67 (M=43.5) och 35 kvinnor i åldern 17-57 (M=38.0).

Från ambition till verklighet : En fallstudie av redovisningsregleringsprocessen

Background: Many different parties in the society are affected by the financial information delivered by the companies. Therefore, different interests want their ideas to have an impact on the accountning standards. The construction of the accounting standards are illustrated as a pure political process, where lobbying and conflicts of interest are determining factors. Purpose: The purpose is to understand the underlying interests behind regulation of financial accounting in Sweden and how these interests are manifestated in the establishment of accounting standards. Method: The thesis is designed as a casestudy of the regulation process which induced the legislation of the Årsredovisningslagen 6 kap 1 § 3st.

Elektronisk handel och självreglering -möjligheterna att via självreglering skapa ett förtroende för och främja utvecklingen av elektronisk handel?

To business owners and consumers electronic commerce means new conditions and possibilities. Often and specially at the Internet information between consumers and sellers is asymmetrically distributed. Among the consumers there is a shortage of confidence in electronic commerce. In order of a positive development of electronic commerce it´s important to find a solution to the shortage of confidence. Confidence may be created by legislation or by self- regulation.

Impact of EU-regulation on pigs? welfare during transport

Each year 225 million pigs are transported within the European Union (EU) for slaughter, fattening and breeding. This results in poor animal welfare due to the fact that animals are exposed to several numbers of stress factors in the vehicle during loading, transit and unloading. Animal welfare can be defined as how well the animal attempts to cope with its environment and during transport there is often severe difficulty for the pigs to cope properly. There is a growing societal concern for animal welfare. This resulted in that the European Union enacted a law called the EU-regulation with certain directives of how to improve the welfare of the animals during transport.

Avregleringen av telekommarknaden i Sverige: Fallstudie: Beslutsprocesser och samtrafikprisregleringens påverkan på konkurrens, med fokus på tiden efter EkomL:s ikraftträdande år 2003

The purpose of the thesis is to increase the knowledge of the deregulation of the mobile telecom market in Sweden, with focus on the time after the Electronic Communications Act (EkomL), by: (1) Describing the thought behind the Electronic Communications Act. (2) Assess how the National Post and Telecom Agency (PTS) has acted. (3) Assess how the operators have reacted. (4) Investigate the regulation?s effects upon competition.

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